2424 Conneecticut Ave NW

Washingtom,DC 20009

+1 202-242-2424

23 june 2022
4:56 PM
Guest: 4
Server: Emily


$ 0



$ 0.00



Payment Type


Card Number


Customer Name

william Butcher



Thank for dining with us, Have a wonderfull day

Enter Receipt Details

*Note: To generate a receipt without watermark please signup or login

Queries In Your Mind?


How To Use It / Receipt Template Instructions

Our free online receipt generator provides all functions and fields to create receipts. You have to enter the right information in the relatable fields. The receipt maker tool will produce the results without errors according to the entered information. The results can be obtained in a few minutes in word or PDF format. You can download and send it directly by email or print it.

The template consists of two steps;

1. After reaching the receipt template, enter the values in the required fields in the upper corner of the receipt generator template. Add a receipt number. The number should be unique or leave it as it was before. Add information like receipt date, info about business items/services. You can also write a note that will be visible on the final document.

2. Next, add the title and logo to the right corner of the receipt builder. We provide all options to personalize the receipt such as font style, size, barcode display, add a logo and many more. Within a few clicks, your receipt will be ready to use. You can print or save it for further use.

Default Settings Button:

At receipt builder, Each template follows industry standards i.e it comes with a default set of values including format options. You can customize the receipt by changing its font types, sizes, alignment, and much more. With ReceiptBuilder you can personalize the receipt according to your country’s standards.

Default values:

You can reset all the values to default ones by clicking on the "Default" button. All the values will be changed each time you click on the default button.

Custom Image:

The receipt generator comprises a Logo variable. You can utilize it to add an image that should be visible on the final document. Images should be in .png format. You can add a logo or any custom image from the local file of your PC/Mobile. If you don't want to add, you can leave this section.

Image size restriction:

ReceiptBuilder allows users to customize and preview their receipts. Icons and logos must be in PNG format less than 1MB or equal to 1MB.